Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Another busy week

We've had another fantastic week working on the projects and enjoying ourselves. Here's a recount of the week :) .


In the evening, I went to the youth event Meltdown at church, where they were talking about the achievements of women in Uganda to commemorate International Women's Day.


We continued with catch up class, recapping the alphabet and practising writing the letter 'A' again to see how they had progressed. In the evening, Lois and Kate went to voice class at church but I stayed in. It was strange to be the only one in the house since I am nearly always at church in the evenings or the girls are in with me. I had a lovely evening talking to my Girls' Brigade back in England company through Facetime. It was so great to see them!


On Tuesday there was a public holiday for International Women's Day so we had the day off from teaching at school. I went to church in the afternoon to practice for leading worship in the student fellowship TGIF on a Friday and then went with a group of us from church to a Bible study fellowship at a girl's hostel. It was nice to meet some of the girls at the fellowship and I hope to be able to go again soon.


After the holiday, we were back to teaching at Ruth Mother Care on Wednesday. In the morning lesson, I taught P3 maths and reading. They loved re-reading the 'Five Minutes Peace' book about a family of elephants and talking about all the objects in their house in the pictures. In the afternoon, I taught P1 literacy, continuing on the subject of school. I got them to sing the school anthem and practice drawing the school logo.

My highlight of the day was visiting Teacher Monica, who has just given birth to her baby son Emmanuel. Congratulations Monica! Emmanuel was a few days old when we visited and he is so beautiful and adorable. We all enjoyed having a cuddle with him and it was so fantastic to see Teacher Monica again after the holidays. Both mother and baby are healthy :).

Isma and baby Emmanuel

Kate with Emmanuel

On community outreach, we visited our usual families to see how they were doing and it was good to catch up with them. One of the ladies we visit regularly is Mama Rose and we collected jerry cans of water from the pump for her to help her with her clothes washing job, which she does to provide for the family. It was good to be able to support her practically because it can be hard to listen to problems that people are experiencing without being able to do anything practical in addition to praying,


At kid's club at FBC, I taught about 'joy' to continue our teaching on 'the fruits of the spirit.' I explained the difference between happiness and god given joy through a drama and the help of Kate teaching about the joy that Paul and Silas had whilst they were praising God in prison. At the end we taught the children the song 'I've Got the Joy Joy Joy Down in my Heart' using lyric cards, which they loved. Meanwhile, Lois and Innocent helped the younger children to colour in a picture related to joy.

Games at the beginning

In the evening, I sang at TGIF with some other members of the youth band. I was quite nervous because I hadn't sung in a microphone with few other singers before but it was a great evening to connect with God.

Me reading Psalm 139 



The pool-a lot sunnier when we were there!

On Saturday, us three girls went swimming with Innocent at an open air pool at Kavumba Recreation Centre. Apart from being thrown in the pool at youth camp, we hadn't been swimming since we arrived in Uganda so it was great fun to have the opportunity to do it. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed making the most of the sunny weather! Unfortunately, despite covering ourselves in 'very water resistant' suncream, we all still got very sunburnt. It was definitely still worth it though!

After swimming I went straight on to church for Saturday service and had a nice meal out with my lovely friend Joanne at 2K restaurant, which serves local food.

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