The highlight of this week has been celebrating 30 years of ministry in Nankulabye for Kampala Baptist Church, my church here in Uganda. The theme of the week was 'God's faithfulness' and it has been wonderful to celebrate how God has been faithful to the church since it moved to its current location through its various ministries. It was fantastic to hear testimonies of God's work over the years and see the way KBC has helped impact many lives by showing people God's love and pointing them to Him.
KBC has been a tremendous blessing to me over the past months and my time in Kampala would be very different without it. I am so thankful for the friendly way in which they welcomed me into their church family, for the way they have helped me grow in faith and for the friends I have made there.
Writing letters |
Monday 9th May- We ran catch up class with the help of our friends Emma and Olivia from church. It made such a difference to have their help because we were able to give more one to one attention to the children. We have started printing out handwriting tracing sheets to help the children continue to practice their writing and worked on 'B' for this day.
After, I went to church for a youth band rehearsal but it didn't happen because of the events for the day of prayer and fasting at KBC and practices for events later in the week, it got cancelled. Instead I had a nice time chatting with friends and listening to other worship rehearsals going on.
Tuesday 10th May- We ran catch up class again, practising writing the letter 'C'. It was a bit of an adventure to get there this morning as it had poured with rain again. I woke up in the early hours of the morning to a spectacular thunderstorm- there is really nothing like an African storm. The lightening isn't just a fork but really does light up the whole sky- sometimes it's even a pink flash! Being the lightest sleeper of us three, I was watching at the window for some time before Kate woke up to ask who on earth was standing in our room. As we walked down the hill on our way to catch up, we found that one of the streams which usually passes under the pathway had flooded again so we had to take off our shoes and wade through. That definitely made for a more interesting journey!
Catch up |
Wednesday 11th May- Wednesday was a much quieter day as we got to stay in the house to continue to create educational posters for Ruth Mother Care. Kate made one on types of transport, I made one on types of weather and Lois made one on Jack and the Beanstalk, one of the children's favourite stories. It was lovely to have the chance to get creative and I found it relaxing! I even had the chance to introduce Kate to the wonder that is Pride and Prejudice by watching the 2005 movie version. What is better than craft and Mr. Darcy?!!
In the evening, Lois and I got a lift with Alex and Benigne to the KBC worship evening. Gabit led worship amazingly and it was a great time praising God. I always love watching friends at church praising God through dance- I only wish I could dance like them! People have tried to teach me the Ugandan style many times but they now realise I have two left feet. After the worship ended, I enjoyed eating cassava, a banana and gnuts. I have only just discovered that the nuts I ate were the same ones that are used to make gnut sauce.
Worship evening |
Worship with Isaiah and Reagan |
Thursday 12th May- Thursday was a public holiday because of the swearing in of President Museveni so we had the day off from Smile work. After lunch, we went to join the Youth Expo at church, where there was a time of worship before an inter-school Bible trivia competition on the book of 1 John. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling well so went to lie down in the youth office. Earlier in the day, I had picked up a copy of Corrie Ten Boom's book 'A Tramp for the Lord' as they were giving out free books at the expo so I loved reading that. There are some amazing testimonies that Corrie shared which really encouraged and inspired me.
Friday 13th May- On Friday I went to run FBC kid's club with Kate, Lois and Gabit. Kate came with us to FBC because the Blessed Word club was called off because of building work going on. I ran the session for the 'babies' by singing some songs and reading 'Jack and the Beanstalk' to them. Since there is only one of us available to run this session and it is hard to keep the children settled and entertained for the duration of the teaching session for the older children, we have decided it is best to read a story with them or let them colour and then send them home with their biscuits.
Reading 'Jack and the Beanstalk' |
After the 'babies' had gone home, I went to help Gabit and Kate with their lesson. The theme was 'God looks at the heart.' In the morning, we made small cards with glitter hearts on them and so the children had to write 'God looks at my' above the heart. They love the creative activities like this we have been doing with them recently!
God looks at the heart song |
Craft |
Sabiti and Irene making the cards |
Hearts |
Teaching |
Friday evening- KBC Celebration Dinner
The highlight of the week's celebrations for me was the dinner at Hotel Africa on Friday night. I had the BEST time. The venue room looked absolutely beautiful- it looked like a wedding or prom event and was very posh. It was so much fun to dress up and enjoy a delicious dinner with friends whilst celebrating God's faithfulness to KBC. I couldn't stop smiling afterwards! God knew exactly what I needed- although I wouldn't change being here for the world, I did feel like a little like I was missing out on the end of year formal events that my friends at uni are attending so this took away that feeling entirely. I couldn't stop smiling afterwards!
Anna and I |
My meal |
Reagan and I |
Friends |
Anita and I |
Selfie time |
Emma |
Saturday 14th May- Saturday was a restful day in the midst of a busy week of events as we all had lots of jobs to do at the house. In the evening, we went to a youth band rehearsal. We are looking forward to our worship event on the 28th.
Sunday 15th May- Sunday was the finale of the KBC celebrations. Usually there is a Luganda service at 10AM and an English service at 11AM but this week there was a joint service at 10AM. The church was packed and there were lots of testimonies shared during the service that point to our faithful God. It was so nice to see that some former members from KBC had travelled back to visit for this week.
Celebratory Sunday service |
After the service, there was an amazing free lunch for everyone there with tents put up around the back of church especially for the occasion. In the afternoon, there was a concert with different musical groups that had been involved in KBC over the years and even a comedian. I was supposed to be singing with the youth band but they ran out of time. It was a great of joy and celebrations for the church and I'm so glad that I've had the opportunity to be there for this week because it's not something that comes around often!
Lines for the meal |
Lunch around the back of church |
Emma and Gabit singing in the service |
Please pray for:
- The final rehearsals for the youth worship event I am involved in on the 28th of May to go well.
-For the general health of the families living in Nabulagala slums as many of the children we work with are ill with flu etc.
-That school fees will be provided for the next term for the children at Ruth Mother Care.
- We will be able to use the extra catch up class time during the holidays productively to help the children progress.